Mars Survival Station

So, BuildNShare is hosting a new challenge! This one is to build a survival station that is to be placed on Mars!! Too awesome.

I'm not a very great builder though, so LOL I won't be entering this time around. Perhaps next. I've put the pictures of the build I did make so you could hunt for some mousetraps. Feel free to comment if you have suggestions on what I could improve.

Original BNS info:

  • Design a Mars Habitation for a 6-Sim team of astronauts and scientists.
  • Habitation must be fully self-contained (there is no atmosphere!)
  • Must include areas or objects for sleeping, hygiene, fitness, cooking, recreation, plants, and research.
  • Built on a 30x30 or smaller lot. No more than 1 level below ground, which can also include a swimming pool (but no other usable floorspace) and no more than two levels above ground. (for a maximum of 3 total floors)
  • This is a prototype build, so ‘landscape’ doesn’t matter, but it should be isolated from other structures.

Okay, so I don't like building underground much - which is why there will be only one level down. In that instance I had to put essentially everything downstairs, because I wanted the above ground to look a certain way.

Anyway, right into it. The whole station is powered with Solar energy, and since there are zero cloudy days on Mars, it's not a problem. Extra energy is stored in batteries for use later, but just in case, there is a generator for back up, or during the dark times. We have a digital telescope on the tower in the back, controlled via a room inside. Our greenhouse has plenty of natural light to help the growth of plants. We also have various satellites for picking up possible alien waves.

Here's the outside:

Let's head inside for a closer look at the action.

First you'll run into our decontamination room. This must be done before you can enter the habitat. Inside the middle room is an air purifier, gotta keep that air fresh! Off to the right side is our meeting room, and mission control. Also controls for the generator. Over the entire build are plenty of pipes for various reasons, mostly to pump air and water throughout the building, but also some for filtering.

Back out from the middle room, with the air purifier, to the left you'd have to research room, where all data gathered is put into computers. Off that is another control room, this one for the telescope. It gathers any essential - and some non essential - information from space.

Through that center room again, behind the purifier, are the stairs to get down to the living quarters of this habitat. I'll give you an overview before delving into details.

The first place you hit is just a small room where everything else is off of. We'll pass through that and go into the garden area first. Tons of fertilizer is stacked in here, because over time dirt looses its nutrition. The scientists wanted to be able to replenish the dirt and have it last as long as possible, so they stocked up on that fertilizer. In the garden area, there is also a water tank, and a system that adds nutrients to the water that is used to feed the plants. The residents of the habitat have added some nature paintings to make the plants feel more at home, and make it look nice too!

Just across from the garden area we'll find the medical center. Of course, things can happen while exploring alien terrain! Not to mention that common cold that gets us all. It even has a little waiting room. We have everything here to get you taken care of. This room is not only used for medicine and treatment though, it's also used for scientific research. A small room off the main, has the machines required for any analyzing samples gathered, and storing data.

Okay, back through that entry room, we'll go off to the left. This hall is lovingly called the 'Hall of Fame' and it's where all the astronauts gather rocks they find outside during exploration, or strange creatures that creep up on them. They have noticed that the alien creatures they've discovered so far, prefer a slightly darker environment, and have made that corner a little more shadowed for their comfort. Also an entry to some bathrooms. At the end of the hall is a place to relax and enjoy a chess game, and the entrance to the mess hall. There is also a door, with scanner, to one of the sleeping quarters - which we'll explore later.

Next, we'll look into the mess hall. Here we have plenty of food to hold the astronauts until the next supply drop. There's a filtered water fountain here for clean drinking water. The residents even have some adult beverages available for those days that they just need a break from all the work.

 Everything in this habitat is connected, you can get to anything no matter which way you go. Through the kitchen we have an entertainment space. The astronauts were provided with plenty of CDs to bring with them, and plenty of games as well. Books were also given to entertain. Through the middle, we have a little zen garden, where access to the second set of bathrooms can be found. The little garden is just a small detail added, but the astronauts seem to really enjoy it and use it often.
Just past the zen garden space is our gym. Plenty of room to workout! There's a TV there for when you'd like something to do while getting in that cardio. This room is attached to that foyer space at the bottom of the steps to get back up to the first floor. This place is definitely not a maze, you really can't get lost.

Bathrooms. There are two here, and they are plain and simple. After all, no one hangs out in a bathroom too long when there's work to be done and things to study! Each one is equipped with two toilets, and two showers. Also two sinks. I'm only going to show this once, because both rooms are exactly the same - just mirrored.

We'll take a look at sleeping quarters now. There are two, each with separate entrances. The first one we'll look at is off the entertainment room - with the TV. Three astronauts stay here, and have to scan hands to get in, this is for protection of their personal items, although everyone here is a trusted friend anyway. Each person has their own locker, and plenty of space to spread out.
The second room is just like the first, but each astronaut has a different color to enjoy. The entrance is on the other side of the mess hall, next to the chess table. It is also equipped with a scanner.

The second room:

That is really everything to check out! I'm glad you stopped by to see, thank you. Feel free to leave a comment.

This place is available for download;

LOT COST: §1,500
LOT NAME: Pebble Burrow (originally built on)
BUILD COST: §289,074
TOTAL COST: §290,574
DL LINK: Mars Survival Station

Stay curious my friends


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