The Perfect Pink

Welcome to The Perfect Pink.

A perfect little starter for a lover of pink! Two bedrooms, one bath. Let's take a tour:

Outside first! Won't take long, it's a little home.

 Now, for inside, still pink themed! Living space, kitchen, and dining.


 Hallway, off the living area, and bathroom

 First (master) bedroom;

2nd (Guest) bedroom

That concludes our tour!

House details:

Lot size: 20x15
Build Cost: §20,000
Lot Traits: Good schools - Penny Pixies - Homey
Download here: The Perfect Pink

Thank you for joining me in my stream build of this house, or just checking out the blog. I appreciate your comments. Feel free to follow me wherever, I use Twitch for streaming. FidgetyAtom - my name everywhere!

If you'd like to request a house - feel free to do that too. I'll do my *best* to do that for you. Can't say I'm too good at it ;) But I'd give it a go. Just give me the specs.


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